Friday, November 5, 2010

Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and sisters fighting is not a new topic of discussion. It is more likely than not that if you have a brother or a sister, you have fought with them at least once. However, the limit to the fighting is very important. Like I said most brothers and sisters fight, but they also forgive each other usually within minutes and move on. They do not even have to apologize to each other, they just act like nothing happened and it is forgotten. However, there are brothers and sister who take their sibling fights to another level. These types of fights last for years and years and can end up in the destruction of a happy family. Sibling rivalry is completely understandable but how you handle that situation can either build a sibling relationship or cost you a sibling. For example, my dad and my sister have not talked to each other for over two years, and this gets my mom worried and stressed. I do not know if this will last forever, but hopefully it gets solved soon so that we can all be united as a family.

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