Keeping up with the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, World of Jenks, and the list goes on and on. They are reality shows that are shown on famous T.V. programs. Shows that entertain us and show their “supposedly” everyday lifes. For all we know it could be all script.
Its clear that what their trying to do is entertain us. And by us watching their shows they make money. The truth behind reality shows is that its all business. By them making their life crazy and wild they grab peoples attention. The more views the program has the more money they make.
I strongly disagree that reality shows make good television. Sometimes shows expose too much. A small kid might be watching them and get examples from the. And in the future their path might end up going a whole different direction just because of that television show. While people sit at home watching shows they are just making them rich. While they could be making money or finding a job their at home wasting time.
I would consider good television shows that teach us something like national geograhics, history channel, or animal planet. Informs us about real life and we are able to learn stuff about everyday life.
Shows that don’t teach us anything, in my opinion aren’t worth watching. We have to watch shows that would give us knowledge and be ready to answer any question in the real world. Which the real world is our life. We have to watch shows that would teach us morals.
Jersey shore definitely doesn’t do that. It just deals with alcohol, sex, fights, money, cars, tanning, and partying. Many would say that is “living life” which its not. Real life is nothing compared to that. They party and get money like nothing when in reality to get what you want you have to work for it. So overall I really think that all these reality shows are bad television.
I love reality tv shows!! (i.e. Jersey Shore). Good essay..but didn't convince me :)